Psychological evaluation, assessment and
treatment (individual & group)
Please Note
Our referral process has changed.
You can refer (self or GP) to the AMHS Triage Team who will determine if being seen at TPC is suitable for you (P: 07 834 6902, F: 07 834 6900, E:
Additionally, you can contact the Centre (p: 07 846 6907 or e: to find out what current options are available.
Client work at the Centre is undertaken by a number of different clinicians, from Intern Psychologists to Fully Qualified Clinical Psychologists.
Intern Psychologists are Registered Health Practitioners under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act (2003).
Most of our Interns are on six month placements, which means it is possible that clients who require longer-
Our Interns are closely supervised. One way that we do this is to videotape some clinical sessions, with the client’s consent. Fully Registered staff don't use video recording.
These videotapes are usually viewed only by the supervisor, and are immediately erased. Under some circumstances the Interns are required to present their work for examination on their training programme (University of Waikato). If this is the case we will always inform their clients and obtain client consent. We are unlikely to accept a referral for a client who does not consent to occasional sessions being taped for supervision purposes. Clients do not have to consent to material about them being used for examination purposes.
In common with other health service providers we are required to supply data about our work to the Ministry of Health.
The Code of Health & Disability Services Consumers' Rights
A national network of independent health and disability advocates is available to assist you if, (a) you need assistance to understand your rights, or (b) you believe that there has been a breach of your rights. They can be contacted on a freephone number 0800-
The Centre has multiple functions, i.e., clinical service delivery, consultation, clinical supervision, training and education, programme development, and research (applied and applicable).
Many of the services provided at the Centre are delivered by Intern Psychologists under supervision.
Code of Ethics For Psychologists Working in Aotearoa/New Zealand
Fees and Waiting Times
We charge a fee for clients who are not seen under an existing contract, e.g., ACC, Waikato DHB, etc.
Although the Centre receives funding from a number of sources it is still necessary for us to obtain additional income by charging clients who use our clinical services. We need to do this to pay our operational expenses, and to fund ongoing training and research activities.
Current Fees for non-contract (private & package-of-care) cases:
Individual Group | |||
Qualified staff | $160+GST $55+GST | ||
Organisational Rate | $180+GST | ||
Intern Psychologist Practicum Student
Please call to enquire about our current waiting times.
Individual Clients

Individual & Group Clients
The Centre operates as a mental health clinic with a focus on training. Intern Psychologists are undertaking their professional training placements as part of the Clinical Psychology training programme of University of Waikato. Non-identifiable information about the clinical work of students is ocassionally used for evaluation purposes by the University of Waikato Clinical Psychology programme. Information about clients which could lead to their identification will not be released without the fully informed consent of the client.
Client Referrals
If you are seeking to refer a client, please take time to read the ‘Please Note‘ section above.
Prior to starting work with a client we will help them to review and sign our Client Services Agreement. This Agreement documents our undertaking and commitment to them, and their acceptance of the terms of our service. You can download a copy of the Client Services Agreement here.
If you have any questions or comments about our services please contact the Centre (p: 07 846 6907 or e: