Website Terms and Conditions
Statement of Purpose
The key purpose of The Psychology Centre (TPC) is to provide psychological treatment and education through the provision of clinical psychology services to the general public, internship and work experience for psychology students at the University of Waikato, clinical research and professional development services for practitioners. By visiting and browsing our website, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions.
All content on this website is owned by The Waikato Clinical Psychology Educational Trust Inc (WCPET)
unless otherwise indicated. Other than for the purposes of and subject to the conditions prescribed under the New Zealand Copyright Act 1993, you are not permitted in any form or by any means to reproduce, adapt, re-transmit, distribute, store in a retrieval system or commercialise the content or any part of it without seeking prior written approval from WCPET.
You are not permitted to use our website to sell a product or service. However, WCPET grants you permission to display, print and reproduce this content in unaltered form only for your personal, non-commercial or academic use or use within your organisation so long as you give appropriate acknowledgment of the copyright owner. Apart from any use as permitted under the New Zealand Copyright Act 1994, all other rights are reserved.
Questionnaires, Self-Awareness Tools and Surveys
Any self-awareness questionnaires that are contained on the website are accessible to the general public for non-commercial use. As per copyright legislation, the copyright owner/s of questionnaires have received explicit acknowledgement.
WCPET does not, under any circumstance, use questionnaires that are available commercially, unless prior approval has been obtained from the copyright owner/s. Should you discover that any questionnaire available on WCPET is not accessible to the general public, please contact WCPET immediately.
WCPET is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors and subscribers to the website in accordance with the principles set out in the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993. We will only use your personal information (provided by you via one of our online forms) to communicate directly with you in relation to your inquiry and generate research results published by WCPET and for analysis of trends in website usage. No individual will be identifiable on any reports resulting from the collection of information on
Provision of Internet-Based Psychological Information
While WCPET endeavours to provide visitors and users with helpful and guiding information, this website is not, and does not intend to be, a substitute for health, psychological or medical advice from qualified health professionals. Users of this website should always seek the advice of appropriately qualified professional(s) with any questions they have regarding their health; psychological, medical or otherwise.
The information on WCPET is not intended to be a substitute for professional clinical advice. Diagnosis and treatment of a clinical mental health condition can only be undertaken by a qualified mental health professional, using a variety of techniques.
Users of this site should always seek the advice of a qualified health professional with any questions they have regarding their health; psychological, medical or otherwise.
WCPET does not guarantee the accuracy or suitability of any information on the website, and will not be liable for any misuse of information found on the website.
Third-party Sites
The WCPET website may contain links to other websites and you may be directed to WCPET from other websites. These Third Party websites are not investigated, monitored or approved of by WCPET. We do not endorse any information contained on Third Party sites and we are not responsible for any Third Party Sites accessed through the WCPET website. Once you leave our website to any Third Party website our terms and policies no longer apply.